Facial Treatsments
Easy Phytic Peel — Chemical Peeling
For this treatment, we use a combined mix of acids with different strengths, to exfoliate your skin in-depth. The Easy Phytic Peel treatment consists of both AHA acids from natural sources and chemical TCA acids based on acetic acid. The acids stimulate the renewal of skin cells, which give you healthier skin after completing treatment. The skin rejuvenates, and different skin conditions such as acne scars, sun spots, and uneven pigment spots improve considerably with Easy Phytic Peel.
Side Effects and Risks with Easy Phytic Peel
After the treatment, your skin may flake a bit, and may experience some redness in the treated area. In some cases, the skin may also be a bit swollen, and it may feel slightly tender. Remember not to expose the skin to sunlight the nearest time after an Easy Phytic Peel session. Always use a high SPF when spending time outside.
We do not perform Easy Phytic Peel if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. This also applies to people taking blood thinners, having high blood pressure, or suffering from haemophilia. The peeling can’t be performed on skin areas with psoriasis, infection, or scarring. Even people with diabetes type 1 are advised against chemical peeling.
Advice in Connection with Easy Phytic Peel
For the treatment to be safe and give a good result, do not use makeup days prior to the peeling. Also, avoid swimming pools with chlorine and sauna baths. Make sure you rinse your face with lukewarm water the same night you had the treatment. Also, moisturise with a hydrating cream.
If you have between three to six treatments, you will get a more lasting effect on your skin. Easy Phytic Peel is suitable for all skin types, but spots can occur on darker skin.